We don’t make movies

We work exclusively with business and broadcast networks to make news. When someone engages our services, they have stories to tell and not much time to do it. Our philosophy has always been efficiency. We get in and out quickly to reduce any disruptions during business hours, and then work hard to distribute the content to the appropriate channels. There’s a growing trend where companies are persuaded to make their content look like a feature film. We can do that but don’t recommend it because it often looks too polished and can lack authenticity. Everything should have purpose. Save the...

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A logo is not a call to action!

If you’re really lucky, people may watch your video content to the very end. This is the time to encourage viewers to take the next steps whether it’s selling a product or inviting them to contact you for something specific. Ending with just a logo might help your branding, but it does nothing for customer engagement. We recommend all videos conclude with an active call-to-action. The phrase “for more information” doesn’t drive people to take the next step. Using wording like “contact us today” is a direct request for people to engage with you.  We also encourage customers to use more than...

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10 steps to making a great Kickstarter video

Seems like everyone wants to make a Kickstarter video, so we thought what a great time for a blog post on the subject. We pulled our collective heads together and came up with this simple list. 1. It’s not about you, it’s about the investors. You might think you’ve just created the best mouse trap in the world, but no one will give you a dime unless you can demonstrate why they should support you. It must always be about the message and not the medium. Making a video does not ensure your success, it’s just a dynamic way to tell the story. 2. Get to the “why” in the...

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Donate $100 to a great non-profit and get your logo on a racing motorcycle.

Many people know that Duchin Productions owner Jay Duchin is also a trustee of the Children’s Center for Communication/Beverly School for the Deaf. It’s a non-profit school that serves children ages birth to 22 with hearing and communications disorders. On August 25th and 26th, he’ll be racing the The Ascutney Mountain Hillclimb. Every business that donate $100 or more to the CCC/BSD before August 15th will and get their company logo on his competition motorcycle. Simply send an email along with your company logo to jay@duchinproductions.com. When your donation has been...

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QR codes for Video

We always suggest adding QR codes to the end of videos but did you know how flexible they are?

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Video Tip: Working with bad video

Technology keeps coming up with ways consumers and businesses can record their own video. Everything from the mighty Flip-type units to Smartphones now allow people to capture events with the push of a button. When used properly, these tiny cameras can yield great results. Unfortunately this isn’t always the case. We’re often presented with shaky, blurry, noisy footage that clients want us to use in productions. There’s a big misconception that video post production houses have a magic setting that can fix everything from fuzzy pictures to crackling sound. As much as we...

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