Corporate Journalism, your lifeline to business growth

Imagine for a second you owned a newspaper. You have reporters hitting the streets finding and telling great stories. Publishing great stories leads to credibility which in turn increases subscribers and grows advertising revenue. If your reporters simply started writing articles about how wonderful your newspaper was, you’d quickly lose readership. Strangely though, many companies embrace a “look at us” approach and share self-serving information about how wonderful they are. If you’re a news organization with this mantra, you won’t be viable for very long. This approach is also mirrored in...

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Five signs you made your own video

Everyone loves video but there are the occasions where creating it is best left to professionals. In fact, in some cases, poor quality video can hurt vs. help your business. We’ve identified five factors every video creator should solve before attempting to make their own content.     1. Earthquakes Shaky footage can easily be avoided by using a tripod. Many cameras have really wonderful image stabilization but there’s really no substitute for a solid shot from a good tripod. 2. Nose hair Using the built in camera on your laptop is great for making quick videos but consider putting a few...

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Sales Pipeline Plumber

Are your leads not flowing in? Prospects dripping away because your SDRs are under water? Are your customers spilling away to your competition? Let video be your 24/7 pipeline plumber, ready to work on all stages of your sales funnel. It works for both inbound and outbound marketing efforts and can make the job of your entire sales team easier. Lets take a fun look at a home plumbing system. There’s supply (water entering your home), distribution (getting water where it needs to go) and waste, (those nasty bits you don’t want ruining your fresh water supply). Your SDRs need a great set of...

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You put links in emails but why not your videos?

Most of us would never think about sending a business email without adding a call-to-action (CTA) link to a webpage, newsletter or event sign up. BUT, did you know you can embed links in videos as well?  There are definitely some tricks you need to know, but we’re here to help. We feel every video should have embedded CTA links to capture interest when your prospects are engaged with your content. Think about it. Hollywood doesn’t promote a film by showing the entire movie. Instead, they build powerful trailers that get people excited about the story and to entice people to go...

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Why your videos aren’t converting leads

Video can be a very powerful tool for getting new people into your sales funnel. In fact, many people discover new companies simply though a Google search when a video shows as a top result. Unfortunately, video content isn’t always taken seriously.  Frequently, companies choose to focus on internal content more suitable for employee recruitment, than customer acquisition. Does your prospect really want to watch your employees drink and play foosball on a Friday afternoon? Show prospects how you can help them solve a problem and generate more business.  Show the WIIFT (What’s in...

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