Is your YouTube Captioning Saying you Curse?

We just watched a corporate video on YouTube with captioning turned on. Not only was the company name spelled incorrectly but an expletive was incorrectly generated in one of the sentences! Why is it critical to fix your captioning? Because Google reads it. If your company is spelled wrong, chances are it might be omitted from important search results. Don’t risk it.

You might be wondering who does the captioning in the first place. Well, technically it’s YouTube but as you probably know, Google owns YouTube. There are some amazingly powerful speech to text algorithms behind the scenes but it’s rarely perfect. In fact, Google recognizes this and will NOT index YouTube generated caption files because of the inaccuracies. But there’s good news! If you upload your own, accurate caption files, Google will index that for search. It sounds crazy but it’s true. Uploading your own captioning files is a piece of cake plus it ensures; everything is properly timed, has accurate spellings of C level executives and company names are correct. If your video was produced from a script, chances are all the hard work has been done, you just need to add the proper timings and upload an appropriate caption file.

Don’t want to do it yourself? Contact us today and we’ll make it happen. or 978.338.5699