Converting Radio Ads into Video

RadiotoTVWe recently posted information about converting print ads into video and here’s another suggestion. Convert audio from your radio spots to video. Radio ads tend to be really well produced and have strong messages and call-to-actions. The down side to radio is you have to get the timing right to make sure your audience:
1. is listening
2. is paying attention
3. has a pen/paper/Smart Phone to copy the info.
4. has a really good memory if they don’t have a pen/paper/Smart Phone.

We have some great friends in VT that run a motorcycle dealership, Ducati Vermont/Cyclewise. We used the audio from their radio spot and in just a few minutes transformed it into a video that’s posted on YouTube, the second most popular search engine in the world. If you’re in the Vermont area and like motorcycles (like we do), stop in and tell Tamara and Joe we said hi.

Below is how it turned out.