Create more booth traffic with video

Trade shows are a critical part of every company’s sales and marketing strategy, but some of your best prospects may not make it to your booth. A video booth tour can create interest and drive more traffic to your booth. Plus it can be shared after the event to reach people who may not have been able to attend. Your customers and prospects don’t care so much about the tchotchke you’re giving away, they care more about your products and services. This video below shows what’s possible. Now, let’s make one for you. Contact us today to learn more....

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A Reminder from a Reece’s

Years back, Reece’s demonstrated how chocolate and peanut butter combined together, makes a great treat. The same concept is true when marketing and training organizations work together to create video content. When these groups start communicating together, your organization becomes irresistible to customers with zero calories. Marketing: Somewhere in your company, people are probably developing valuable video training for customers and employees. With some minor tweaks, this same content can be used in your marketing efforts. Sometimes just changing video link text from “watch our...

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Master the Art of Training Videos

  Making training videos should be a piece of cake. Your company is probably loaded with experts who can use your product with their eyes closed. So why do companies struggle to share that knowledge with your customers? We’ve put together some recommendations we use when making training videos that we hope will get you on the path to becoming video training and education machines. And as always, if you don’t have the means to make your own content, we’d love to help. 1. Know your audience The most important part of making any content is to know your audience. Companies frequently have a...

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How to make engaging videos in a short amount of time

    Challenge: Record a massive Synthetic Biology competition during a 2-day conference and create a 2 minute recap video to play on the last day. PLUS: Adapt shooting to display on a giant, double-wide, projected image. AND: The presentation rooms will be really dark because teams will be projecting from laptops. The IGEM conference features students from around the world coming to present their synthetic biology research. Each team has 20 minutes to share highly technical information through PowerPoint slides and posters set up throughout a convention center. My job for the past three...

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Fixing Horrible Audio

  You know what I’m talking about. Webinars where the speaker sounds like she’s in a tin can, man-on-the-street interviews that are ruined by loud trade show traffic and eclipse the person talking. I’m sure you can think of more. I’m often asked how to fix these problems and the short answer is, you can’t, well, sort of. There is no magic button to press that corrects bad audio. With lots of time, energy and effort, you might be able to improve the sound a bit, but it’s not easy and the results are often still poor.                         Now here’s the great news: if you have...

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Ask Me Anything

    Creating videos isn’t always easy. My clients and friends know I’m always ready to help answer questions or give advice, even if they’re not using Duchin Productions. Not every project requires the big camera and lights, sometimes I encourage people to give it a go themselves (when appropriate). But even the simplest cameras can be really confusing, never be shy about picking up the phone or sending a question over email. If for some reason I can’t answer the question, I’ll find someone who can.   Struggling to get great audio or better video results with your iPhone? Then ask me...

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