Green screen location shooting

Green screening, also known as Chroma Keying, is a special effect technique for placing people or objects in otherwise impossible locations. Production studios are truly the best places to capture this effect, but it’s not always feasible. Location green screening can be done with proper planning and equipment. If we’re shooting small items or just a head-and-shoulders shot, it’s a relatively easy process. The challenges come when clients want full-body head-to-toe shots, or require a wide walking area. Creating quality green screen results requires a significant amount of...

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10 tips for video recording presentations

10 tips for video recording presentations We wanted to share some tips for recording people.  No doubt everyone has seen dark, blurry, shaky camera shots of CEOs giving important speeches. This is often the result of someone saying “It’s just a presentation, we don’t need anything fancy.” If it’s important enough to have it recorded, then it’s just as important to do it correctly. Below are some suggestions for recording people when there’s no time to hire a crew. 1. Get GREAT audio People can tolerate bad video but they cannot put up with bad audio. Built-in camera microphones should only...

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Ten tips for recording great audio with your SmartPhone

Today’s SmartPhones are really, really smart. We often forget all of the things they’re capable of doing, like recording audio. We’d like to share some simple tips to get fantastic results with these hand-held marvels. 1. Turn off the phone and alert features. The first thing you must do is turn off all things that could interrupt the recording such as calendar alerts, text messaging, reminder alarms and most importantly, the phone feature. 2. Place the device close to the sound source. If there’s a sound system, try getting the phone near a speaker. If there’s...

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Professional Voice Over Talent Saves Money

It sounds crazy but spending money on professional talent will almost always save clients money in the end. When a voice over is needed for a production, people often feel they can save money by using someone in their office. Here are a few reasons why we encourage clients to go pro: 1. Pros can be directed on inflection, feel, speed, warmth etc. 2. What is the cost to your business to pull someone away from what they’re paid to do? 3. Non-professionals often require numerous takes to get right. More takes means more time editing all the pieces together 4. Many voice professionals work...

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How to Make Big Facebook Page Images

Facebook works great with video however we wanted to share with you a non-video tip. One of the goals of our blog is to offer general marketing tips in addition to video suggestions and ideas. Have you ever wondered why some profile images are tiny and others look downright enormous? Well there are some hidden secrets for maximizing you Facebook Page that we’re going to share with you. Let say someone gave you a giant billboard to put your information on, completely free of charge. Instead of using the entire space, you just upload a tiny logo. Facebook actually allows you to place a pretty...

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