Good questions to ask during customer video testimonials

TestimonialsImageWe received a call from one of our good clients who was conducting a series of customer video testimonials out of state. She asked if we could put together a list of generic questions to ask the interviewee. Even though we weren’t the vendor, we always want to help our clients in need. The feedback was great so we thought we’d share these common interview questions with the rest of our client base.

– What differentiates _______ from all the other _______ out there?
– What was life like before ____________?
– How has ___________ made your work easier?
– Did you have any epiphany moments with the product?
– What’s in it for your customers?
– How does it help you with (your business, profits, efficiency, etc.)?

The number one question we ask when the camera is recording is the name, title and spelling of the person being interviewed. This is helpful to the editor when applying on-screen identification graphics. A couple fluff questions about the weather or weekend plans can help break the ice for people apprehensive about being interviewed. Getting people to talk before the actual questions is also an opportunity for the sound engineer to get voice levels.

We recently started to encourage our clients to ask the interviewee if there are any negatives about your products or services. This is done with the camera turned off and shows you want feedback on bad along with the good.

We hope you found this information valuable. If you ever have questions regarding the video production process, we’re just a phone call away.